Photo Album of Stribling, Grady, CWO3
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133 -144 of 168 images
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CGC Southwind Port Main Propulsion Motor Control Room.
144 of 168
from  1966-1967, EM, USCGC Southwind (WAGB-280/NMBT)  album
This is where I spent a lot of my time as a "Throttle-man". My job was to answer the Pilot House for setting up and controlling the speed and direction of the ship for the port propeller. Most of the time, The system was set-up for "Pilot House Control" which allowed them to have direct control of the port propeller. Directly across from my watch station was the Starboard Main Propulsion Motor Control Room with the same controls for the starboard propeller. It was called "Main Control", manned with a 'Throttle-man"and Engineering Watch Officer (EWO), usually a Chief Petty Officer or above. Each propulsion Electric motor had the capacity to develop 10,000 shaft horse power.
posted By Stribling, Grady, CWO3
Aug 28, 2011

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